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Barcode DS3508-SRบาร์โค้ด Corded 1D 2D PDF Postal Omni directional IP65 65 ft 2 m drops to concrete

DS3508-SR The rugged DS3508-SR brings comprehensive, high performance data capture to harsh industrial environments. Engineered with breakthrough digital imaging technology, this corded device delivers extremely fast and accurate data capture of 1D and 2D bar codes as well as images — making it ideal for the production line and other fast-paced environments. Corded 1D, 2D, PDF, Postal Omni directional IP65 6.5 ft. (2 m) drops to concrete DS3508-HD The DS3508-HD offers the same ergonomics, reliability and high performance of the DS3500 Series and is optimized for comprehensive 2D bar code capture. Workers can capture the very tiny and dense 2D bar codes frequently found in warehousing, transportation and logistics and manufacturing environments. Corded 1D, 2D, PDF, Postal, tiny/dense 2D Omni directional IP65 6.5 ft. (2 m) drops to Concrete DS3508-DP This powerful imager captures all 1D and 2D bar codes, as well as every type of direct part mark (DPM) with extraordinary speed. The DS3508-DP features our patented, highly-advanced EZ-DPM software to enable the fast capture of the widest range of mark sizes and densities, including the hardest to read DPM codes. Corded 1D, 2D, PDF,DPM, IUID, Postal Omni directional IP65 6.5 ft. (2 m) drops to concrete DS3508-ER The DS3500-ER is optimized to scan different types of bar codes across a wide range of distances — from near contact to as far as 30 ft./9.14 m away. The full range of this corded imager means workers can accomplish multiple tasks with one device, for greater productivity in warehouse environments. Corded 1D, 2D, PDF, Postal Omni directional IP65 6.5 ft. (2 m) drops to concrete

ราคา : 19,000 บาท

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