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Black Friday ipod nano watch » CLASSIFIED108.com


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Black Friday ipod nano watch

"The band is comfortable. Much nicer than another model I bought also made of silicon rubber. It is perfect for workouts. The strap design means it takes a while to put on, but also means it does not scratch the top of my laptop. The case design blocks the sync port. The is good for workouts and general banging around, but the rubber tore after three syncs right next to the earphone jack hole. There just is not much rubber between that hole and the face plate area, and it could not deal with the stretching to get the sync cable on. All that means is that a tiny bit of red peeks through the black rubber at the tear. There is no chance of the Nano falling out because of the very secure way the rubber wraps the clip. It feels a bit ghetto, but it still draws positive comments. after the tear happened people started figuring out it was a nano immediately. before, they had no idea what the watch was. The watch is pretty good, but it has 2 major flaws that I can see. 1) it's kind of hard to get on by yourself, because you have to try and keep it tight and thread it under a band-holder at the same time, and it just takes some getting used to. And 2) there is no opening at the bottom of the case for the iPod's 30-pin connector, so every time you have to charge your iPod, you either have to take the iPod out of the watch case (which is not easy, I don't worry about it falling out AT ALL) or kind of fit the connector over the case and into the iPod. I really like this case, it is wild to have an iPod on your wrist! It adds a lot of functionality to the iPod, and people will ask you what it is all the time, just because it's something that they haven't seen before and it's pretty cool. http://www.blackfridayipodnanowatch.us http://www.blackfridayjohndeere.us http://www.blackfridaykettle.us http://www.blackfridaylaserprinter.us http://www.blackfridaymacmini.us

ราคา : 250 บาท

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