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Black Friday shark steam » CLASSIFIED108.com


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Black Friday shark steam

"""These mop pads work as intended with the Euro Pro steam mop we purchased. The only thing I don't like about them is that the dirt never fully washes out. So after 1 use, they'll never be white again (and you can't use any bleach on them either, just an fyi, or it destroys the """"microfiber properties"""" according to the insert). I wish they had been better designed with the unit though, to be reversed, because what you end up with is the front side catches all the dirt, and the back side ends up doing nothing. If they were actual rectangles, you could rotate them and use the other end too, but because of the steam mops construction and the """"wings"""" on the back edge of the mop pads, you can't do that. Product came quickly and worked well with mop. Was the same quality as original pads. I got extras because I not only wanted to use my steam mop at home but at my dog grooming shop as well. Which you can imagine gets very dirty everyday from much use, including dirty dogs/wet dogs etc etc. Even though I mop all the time, the tiles were always needing to be scrubbed at my shop. So I thought well since they are so dirty everyone said to buy extras when I was reading reviews on the steam mop, so I did! I'm glad I did. I keep 2 at home and 2 at my shop. The only problem, I wish I had ordered more and intend to do so soon. They get dirty so fast that 2 are not enough. I am hoping that since I just got the steam mop that I won't need to worry so much the more and more I use it. But after washing them for the first time, I noticed too that one of them has a small hole in it! I was disappointed and I am hoping it will hold up. My floors at my shop are less than a year old and are in great shape so that wasn't why it had worn esp since it had only been used once. Mind you at home I haven't had any problems with the pads lasting long enough because we don't have as much traffic where the floors are as filthy as they are over there. Either way I def recommend these extra pads, just in case. Well, unless you have a very small area you are doing, then you shouldn't need to worry so much. http://www.blackfridaysharksteam.us http://www.blackfridayskullcandy.us http://www.blackfridaysole.us http://www.blackfridaysteammop.us http://www.blackfridaystrollers.us

ราคา : 120 บาท

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