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Cyber Monday xbox » CLASSIFIED108.com


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Cyber Monday xbox

"I am a PS3 owner but by no means a fan boy. The only thing that was keeping me from purchasing a Xbox 360 was the unreliability of the hardware. When this new console was announced I felt it was time to make the purchase. Built in wifi, quieter design, and a redesign that supposedly fixed the previous issues with the red ring of death, were all things that appealed to my sensibilities as a consumer. So far I have not been disappointed. First off I am going to compare the Xbox 360 to the PS3 because it is my frame of reference. Simply put the Xbox is more user friendly. Load times so far on the Xbox have been much shorter than those on the PS3 (this could be because of the games I have been playing, which so far have only been a few on the Xbox, none of which are new releases). You don't have to use a disc to play Netflix, and the Netflix interface on the Xbox is much better than that on the PS3. Not only is it easier to use, but it just looks better. Xbox Live is also much better than the Playstation Network, and even though I had to pay for the premium service the price for a year is reasonable for the way multi player works seamlessly and again it just looks better. Sorry, I like things that are functional and look pretty. It is also reasonably priced I think I paid $37 bucks for 12 months of Xbox Live ($3.08 a month, big deal). I also like the Xbox controller, I find it very comfortable to use, and to me it is more comfortable that the PS3 Controller. As far as graphics go between the PS3 and Xbox the difference is negligible, and I really don't think anyone could tell the difference unless they had the two consoles on two identical TVs side by side. One thing the PS3 does have going for it is that going through the exclusive games for that console compared to the 360, I have much more interest in the PS3 exclusives (which has nothing to do with console performance and really only speaks to my preference of games). http://www.xboxcybermonday.us http://www.wirelessblackfriday.us http://www.toshibaportegeblackfriday.us http://www.toshibablackfridaysatellite.us http://www.subwooferblackfriday.us

ราคา : 200 บาท

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