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บาร์โค้ด DS4208-SR barcode Corded 1D 2D PDF paper or electronic displays Omni directional 6 ft 18 m

DS4208-SR The handheld DS4208-SR provides high performance affordable 2D imaging, delivering blazing laser-quality speed on both 1D and 2D bar codes displayed on paper labels and the electronic displays on mobile phones, tablets and more. Corded 1D, 2D, PDF, paper or electronic displays Omni directional 6 ft. (1.8 m) drops to Concrete DS4208-HC The disinfectant-ready DS4208-HC can capture 1D and 2D bar codes on wrist bands for patient ID, pharmaceuticals, specimens for tracking, as well as 1D/2D bar codes on electronic displays on mobile phones, tablets and more. Corded 1D, 2D, PDF, paper or electronic displays Omni directional IP43 6 ft. (1.8 m) drops to concrete DS4208-HD The DS4208-HD features the rapid scan performance of the DS4208-SR and is capable of reading virtually every type of bar code used in electronic component assembly — including high density and low contrast 1D, 2D and PDF417 bar codes. Corded 1D, 2D, PDF, paper or electronic displays, tiny/dense 2D Omni directional 6 ft. (1.8 m) drops to concrete DS4208-DL The DS4208-DL features the rapid fire 1D/2D scan performance of the handheld DS4208 Series, while adding the ability to not only decode, but also parse the PDF417 bar codes on U.S. driver’s licenses. From retail to healthcare and other industries, this versatile device automates age and identity verification, as well as the auto-population of credit applications and admission forms. Corded 1D, 2D, PDF,paper or electronic displays, U.S. driver’s license parsing Omni directional 6 ft. (1.8 m) drops to concrete จำหน่าย บาร์โค้ด เครื่องอ่าน บาร์โค้ด Barcode Scanners, เครื่องพิมพ์บาร์โค้ด Barcode Printers , เครื่องอ่าน Barcode Mobile Computer Hand Helds , เครื่องพิมพ์ใบเสร็จอย่างย่อ , เครื่อง พีโอเอส Point of Sale Terminals , ลิ้นชักเก็บเงิน Cash Drawers , RFID Hardware, Supplies & Equipment, เครื่องพิมพ์บัตร ID Card Printers และ อุปกรณ์, Software ซอฟท์แวร์ Inventory Online System , ซอฟท์แวร์ระบบ จุดขาย (POS) , Asset Management , ระบบบัญ Inventory Online System , #Motorola Symbol # HONEYWELL # Epson # Cipherlab # Datalogic # TSC # Zebra #Intermec #Posiflex# Fingertech # IDTECHT # Zebex # BIXOLON # DIGITAL-ID Card # Datamax #HP #IBM #OMNIKEY #PROMAG #Tysso # Seagull Barcode #Netronix, Inc.# Zebracard, #TYSSO #Cognex #สอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ -025392650-025392657-025392906 #http://www.barcoderetail.co.th/home/index.php #mail : poscsretail@gmail.co.th #Line # ID : barcodepos Facebook https://www.facebook.com/retailbarcode Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCivJPcpDN2h0fibjkZ-dSAg Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/+pointofsalesPOS/posts

ราคา : 12,000 บาท

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