Seidio Innocell 1750 mAh Slim Extended Life Battery for HTC EVO 4G
Product by Seidio Available From 12 Sellers
This review is from: Seidio Innocell 1750 mAh Slim Extended Life Battery for HTC EVO 4G (Wireless Phone Accessory) This battery looks and feels lighter than the OEM 1500mAh battery. I was skeptical about it really extending the life of the phone, but after following all the directions about conditioning the battery- it turned out great. On the initial charge, you should leave the phone on charge until the LED turns green, and leave it that was for at least 3 hours. This is a critical step which I feel most reviewers here skipped. I let mine charge all night before use. Then I went through 5 heavy drain and recharge cycles as per the instructions. Now, with normal charging and use, I take the Evo off charge at 6am, and at 7 pm I have between 30 and 40% life left. I am a heavy user, meaning WIFI on all day at work, GPS always on, Youtube for an hour or so, Google maps, LOTS of internet browsing (which is also part of my job and various other things. Additionally it is in a very warm environment, which is tough on batteries. My OEM battery would die everyday at about 3-4pm. If I run the phone hard until it dies on the Seidio battery, I can get about 14 hours of heavy usage from fully charged.
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